Create an Account

Password must be at least min. 6 characters in length, minimum of 1 lower case, 1 upper case letter, 1 numeric and 1 special character without any space, special characters allowed @$!%*#.&?.
Email is required. Invalid Email. Confirm Email is required. Invalid Confirm Email. Password is required. Confirm Password is required. Please check password pattern. Confirm Email do not match! Passwords do not match!
First Name is required. Last Name is required. Street is required. City is required. State is required. Zip Code is requires. Phone Number is required. Zip Code must be numeric. Invalid Zip code. Invalid Phone number. Phone number
Type is required. Graduation Date is required. Year entered Profession is required. Billing rate is numeric field.
Please accept Terms. "Are you in good Standing?" is required.

Great! Now select the Legal Service Organizations you would like to work with!

The list below will help you choose from Legal Service Organizations you might be interested in working with. When you select organizations, we will provide your information so they can reach out to you and also initiate approval so you can begin selecting cases. If you choose to skip this step, you can still continue and browse cases – but each time you express interest in a case from an organization you haven’t worked with before, you will need to hold to receive approval.

Legal Service Organizations in your state:

{{filtered.LPInState.length}} Legal Service Providers / {{ regCtrl.SelectedProviderInS.length }} selected

No LSO available for selected State.


{{lp.City}}, {{lp.State}}

Selected Select


Legal Service Organizations from other states:

{{filtered.LPOtState.length}} Legal Service Providers / {{ regCtrl.SelectedProviderOtS.length }} selected


{{lp.City}}, {{lp.State}}

Selected Select
